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Five Obscure Muscle Cars

Here are a few models of muscle cars that you probably did not know existed. Step aside, Barracudas, Challengers, and GTOs, this post is for your forgotten brethren.

Studebaker R2 Super Lark

With just a 289 cubic inch engine, the R2 Super Lark churned out 289-hp. It was the last effort of a dying American manufacturer.

AMC Rambler Marlin

With a unique fastback design and a 287 cubic inch V8 producing about 200-hp, the Marlin was the best first collaboration between the newly merged Nash and Hudson auto manufacturers.

Oldsmobile Toronado W-34

Probably the best muscle car no one knows, the Toronado had a V8 that produced over 400-hp. The fact that it was front-wheel drive, odd for a muscle car, could not slow this bad boy down.

Ford Galaxie 7-Liter

Following the success of the GTO, Ford decided to follow the same model- plop a really big engine into a full-sized coupe. The 428 engine allowed for air conditioning and power steering, great luxuries for the time. It still produced 345-hp and 462 lb-ft of torque at 2,000 RPM, making it a comfortable and enjoyable ride on the open road or in town.

Chrysler 300 Hurst

The 300-hp Hemi V8 in the Chrysler 300 debuted in 1955, making it arguably the first muscle car. Although discontinued in 1965, it made a brief comeback in 1970 with the Hurst Edition. Combining luxury and performance, the Hurst was very special.

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